HYVA - Corporate Product Design (CPD) Language
Communicating the brand’s core attributes and reaching consumers through industrial design…
communicating power and precision
the brief
HYVA is one of the world’s leading producers of transport solutions. Lamb Industries was approached with the challenge of creating a design language for their products, which would give them a consistent corporate image across diverse Lines of Business. The CPD documents a coherent design style, communicates the purpose of design to internal teams such as sales and marketing and explains the product innovation to external stakeholders.
the design
HYVA’s design language expresses precise engineering and enduring strength with clean, robust angular forms. Features are consistent, proportional, appropriate, honest, and communicate a lightweight design. Ergonomics and useful features were built on a foundation of user interaction. We spoke with stakeholders throughout the crane specification, assembly and use cycles. We did this overtly through interviews and sometimes covertly, by following laden trucks with cranes and seeing what the did when they got to their destinations!
The new design language informs products that genuinely reflect HYVA’s core focus on delivering innovative and high-quality engineered products. We have worked on a considerable variety of different products for HYVA, all of which now enjoy a recognisable family identity.