STIGA - lawn robots

Robot lawnmowers are better for the garden, labour saving and easy to live with.

The 'essential' and 'experience' lawnmower robots side by side

robots to cover all lawn sizes

one family identity


the brief

STIGA was quick to realise the benefits of robot lawnmowers and built a team of scientists and engineers to develop their own unique technologies in this field. Lamb Industries were asked to design a look and feel for STIGA’s robots that expressed their technology and fit with the new Industrial Design guidelines that we created for them.

the design

The design is deceptively simple. The crisp forms are robust - they need to be in an outdoor environment. They have an easy to clean and easy to live with look and feel. The design is purposeful and directional communicating its role as a serious tool and a desirable object. The use of colour and form directs the user to interaction points and communicates the STIGA brand.

The yellow robot is for smaller gardens, while the grey robot is for larger areas. Each can be enabled with sophisticated 4G positioning technology to map out the garden - ensuring every blade of grass is cut without repeat mowing. The aesthetic differentiates the products while maintaining the family look and feel.

Front view of the STIGA A 1500 lawnmower with the red dot design award logo for 2023
Overhead view of the robot lawnmower
Side view of the robot lawnmower
Side view of the robot lawnmower against a white background
Side view of the STIGA A 3000 lawnmower
Photo of the robot lawnmower with a graphic effect to show how it maps out the boundary of the lawn

Active Guidance System, AGS, uses satellitite positioning to set up wire free mowing boundaries and optimises mowing patterns and coverage


Related Projects

Swift Ride-on Lawnmower

STIGA Essential and Experience Range

STIGA Industrial Design Guidelines