People : Process : Product
Lamb Industries offers more than award winning, stakeholder pleasing industrial design. We help our clients develop their people and their process, as well as their products.
Industrial Design is a vital part of business, if a company wants to produce recognisable, ethical products that are a joy to use and behold. Our extensive experience at Lamb Industries has led us to consider a wider offer to support clients. We often work as a team within a team and have found that by helping mentor and build client design and development personnel we can leave a lasting legacy that goes beyond the timeless products themselves. Through the creation of Industrial Design Guidelines our clients and their teams are further enabled to create within a framework that reflects and builds their brand and conveys its story to their customers.
It is a holistic approach that works for our clients and illustrates our dedication to helping them to continue creating great design project after project.
Successful design is collaborative. Lamb Industries can become an extra team member, working in more depth than regular consultants. James Lamb has a strong track record in teaching, including the Royal College of Art and as a Visiting Professor at Brunel University. We can help mentor and build client’s teams, ensuring a lasting legacy through people and design.
“We worked closely with Lamb industries, choosing to integrate our teams at a people level. This has helped not only produce award winning products but also develop the capability of our team for the future...Combining their team’s deep design experience with our team’s knowledge of our existing products and customers has allowed us to get more value out of everyone.”
James Cameron, Design & Innovation Director of STIGA“
Design relies on inspiration but is enabled by process. We have created Industrial Design guidelines for a number of clients. These inspiring documents describe how the company’s vision is embodied in the design of their products in a meaningful, recognisable way. Ensuring durable customer relationships and a common vision for all of the stakeholders within the client’s company.
Examples of meaningful Industrial Design elements can be seen in the Swift ride-on lawnmower, top, and robot mower, above. The ‘arrow’ feature on the side gives direction, and orientation to the user, but also allows for the removal of volume from the form. Furthermore, it sets up a tension between the softer convex forms and crisp delineation of the arrow. This makes the design more dynamic and recognisably STIGA.
James Cameron, again: “By collaborating and structuring ourselves as a single team we have been able to really design the products from the inside out. Considering manufacturing details and processes in parallel with ergonomics and function, to create beautiful products that really work. Working together we have also deconstructed the design process and documented the principles that apply to the work we are doing and this has enabled us to more clearly communicate the importance of the choices we have made and why the product is designed the way it is…”
Lamb Industries has created Industrial Design guidelines in diverse industries, this is for HYVA, a hydraulics company
With 30 years of experience in consultancy and in-house we’ve designed everything from firefighting apparatus to medical robots. We are experts in solving the unmet needs of consumers and delivering on the promises of our client’s brand. That design expertise is complemented by a willingness and ability to develop our client’s teams and design process, as well as their products.
James Cameron again, “Working with Lamb industries has worked best for us when there is a new product category or we are working on a major new model which requires design from product architecture to manufacture. The Stiga Robot or the all electric shareable battery Swift are good examples of these. We challenged product layout and how they are used, together, which has resulted in products that look great and have won design awards, while making leaps in efficiency and grass cutting performance.”
Lamb Industries worked closely with STIGA to design the new 300e range and develop the innovative on-wall charging